Our Scholars

Diana Bongiorno, MD, MPH

Investigating how emergency care can be optimized to address social determinants of health and improve health equity, with a particular interest in reproductive health issues 

Rahael Borchers, MD

Investigating sociopolitical determinants of health for immigrants, and promoting evidence-based policies that would improve access to quality preventative healthcare.

Mariaelena Boyle, MD

Understanding the financial impact families endure when supporting children receiving pediatric surgical care

Elizabeth Choa, PhD, RN

Exploring the nexus of climate change, health, and aging to uncover community and structural factors influencing climate resilience at the population level

Ashley Cohen, MD

Investigating disparities in acute care delivery and developing mitigation strategies to improve outcomes for vulnerable populations, with a particular interest in addressing socioeconomic barriers through health systems and policy reform.

Caroline Dancu, PhD(c), RN

Understanding cardiovascular disease risk and prevention in women Veterans, integrating lifestyle and mental health factors to inform effective interventions and improve cardiovascular health outcomes.

Caroline Darlington, PhD(c), MSN, WHNP-BC

Exploring the influence of ethical and legal factors on care access and health outcomes among pregnant and parenting women with substance use disorders.

Justinna Dixon, PhD(c), MPhil, BSN, RN

Promoting health equity by investigating the impact of social, environmental, and organizational factors on the health outcomes of individuals with mental health conditions. 

Emma Ernst, MD, MPH

Exploring serious illness communication preferences among patients and families, particularly when language or cultural barriers exist, and examing ways to empower primary care providers with serious illness communication skills.

Emma Gerstenzang, MD

Improving care for children with medical complexity, with focus on transition between care settings, structure and delivery of in-home services, and associated racial, socioeconomic and geographic disparities in experience and outcomes

Felisha Gonzalez, MD

Combating the effect of bias and structural discrimination on patient outcomes and healthcare provider diversity with evidence-based solutions.

Desire' Guillory, MD

Deepening an understanding of the issues that reinforce health disparities and advocating for policy and systemic changes that ensure equitable care for all children

Latesha K. Harris, PhD(c), RN

Investigating how racism-related stressors, particularly expectations of police violence, impact intergenerational cardiometabolic risk among pregnant Black American women and their infants. 

Shewit Jaynes, PhD(c), MSPH, RN

Advancing maternal health equity by (1) critically examining social determinants of health and structural inequality, including gendered racism (2) leveraging a community-engaged approach to design interventions and inform policy solutions.

Pranav Kaul, MD

Expanding access to care for vulnerable populations seeking emergency care with an emphasis on uninsured and underinsured patients with Medicaid/Medicare

Jamie Ko, MD, MPH

Utilizing epidemiological approaches to explore mechanisms contributing to disparities in surgical access and outcomes; investigating health policies targeting these mechanisms to mitigate surgical disparities

Ryan Koski-Vacirca, MD, MPH, MSc

Exploring rural health equity, healthcare affordability, sustainable rural development, and public health initiatives to improve access and outcomes.

Grace Sunah Lee, MD 

Investigating gaps in health coverage and benefits enrollment among patients with congenital heart disease with functional disabilities; determining drivers for disparities in successful transition of care from pediatric to adult specialists among patients with congenital heart disease. 

Lisa-Qiao MacDonald, MD

Investigating ambulatory follow-up after acute unscheduled care, value-based care models, and the impact of social determinants of health.

Emika Miller, PhD(c), MSc, APRN, CNP

Addressing caregiving for Black Americans with ADRD, tackling palliative care disparities, and improving communication between caregivers and healthcare teams.

Sabreea Parnell, MD

Investigating injury and violence prevention with a focus on trauma informed care and hospital-based violence intervention programs.

Rebecca Piasecki, PhD, RN

Harnessing existing data to improve health services access and delivery, with a focus on rapid response systems and cardiac arrest care.

Kellen Quigg, MD

Investigating how social determinants of health impact access to multidisciplinary clinics, maintenance of care, and participation in research for patients with amyotrophic lateral sclerosis

Courtney Rentas, MD

Studying barriers surrounding access to care for rural patients in the United States. 

Caroline Richburg, MD

Conducting qualitative and mixed-methods research, examining psychosocial risk and postoperative morbidity in young colorectal cancer patients, and promoting workforce diversity in surgery.

Asmaa Rimawi, MD

Investigating and addressing barriers to equitable care, particularly regarding patient language preference, gender, and race.

Karthik Rohatgi, MD

Optimizing interventions to address health-related social needs within the healthcare setting, and developing care models for patients with complex medical and social needs.

Lindsey Scheller, PhD(c), BSN, RN

Investigating how multi-level structural drivers influence health inequities in hospital and community settings among children with complex medical needs and chronic conditions.

Patrick Smith, PhD(c), BSN, RN

Investigating how social policies impact population health and health equity, with particular emphasis on the links between housing policies and health.

Jung Yong Son, PhD(c), MSN, RN, GNP-C

Promoting physical activity, reducing sedentary time in care homes, linking activity to cognition in older adults, and creating health interventions for improved outcomes.

Dan C. Stokes, MD, MS

Measuring the impact of social connectedness on healthy aging and on aging in place; exploring ways to preserve and expand the social lives of older adults; and developing novel models of care delivery that prioritize aging in community

Eric Sun, MD, MPH

Investigating primary care transformation, health services research, and improving maternal and child health outcomes.

Rachel Sweeney, MD, MPH

Exploring carceral health, medical-legal partnerships, and ethical issues in healthcare delivery within justice-involved populations.

Katie Trainum, PhD(c), BSN, RN

Investigating emerging models of care (e.g., care robots) in long-term and acute care settings to promote cost-effective and equitable healthcare while prioritizing healthy work environments

Sean Emerson Treacy Abarca, MD

Exploring the integration of AI, mHealth, and telehealth to expand emergency department access, enhance equitable, cost-effective care, and improve outcomes, with a focus on underserved populations through data-driven innovations.

Michael C. Wang, MD

Studying the impact of policy changes and innovations on the delivery of preventive care and equity in cardiometabolic health outcomes